2013年12月2日 星期一

print ad analysis


  • What kind of headline was used?
The print advertisement used question headline.
  • Was there a subhead and a slogan?
Yes,there was a subhead and a slogan. 
Dettol Instant Hand Sanitizer is displayed prominently at the base of the ad and the slogan that it “kills 99.99% of germs on hands, without the need for water” also emphasizes the fact that it’s useful for people on the go. 
  • Was the visual attractive?
Yes, the visual was attractive. 
In this ad for Dettol Instant Hand Sanitizer , it incorporate the kind of imagery you’d expect to find in horror movies, and the effect is often made even creepier by an unsuspecting central character. Fear can be a attractive tool for getting an advertising message across.
  • Was the overall lay-out creative?
Yes, the overall lay-out was creative.
  • Does it make the readers think?
Yes,it makes the readers think.
  • In what way?
Overall, the tactics used in the ad are appropriate in evoking an emotional response, arousing consumers to remove the threat, offering a solution, and raising overall brand awareness.
The ad uses unusual visuals and fear to first capture attention and create a problem for the consumer. Specifically, the ad shows severed arms with band-aids in place of what would normally be handle bars on a bus, to emphasize that other people’s hands have touched these handle bars before and that they’re covered in germs.

The model used and the visuals surrounding her is average to above average. This appeals and relates to typical consumers who, like her, are riding on a bus. The model is also displayed prominently and in stark contrast to her surroundings to capture the consumer’s attention.

Visuals and text on the bottom are meant to enhance brand and product awareness through a consistent color scheme characteristic of the brand itself. It could be argued that the ad increases its accessibility and chance of being remembered by including very little information and in a novel way that is relevant to the consumer.

